All The QTs Are in Portland 🌈

🏳️‍🌈 Finding Portland’s Queer & Trans Community: Where to Go & How to Plug In 🏳️‍⚧️

Portland is one of the queerest cities in the country, but finding LGBTQ+ spaces, trans support groups, and queer events isn’t always easy—until now. & are community-powered resource hubs designed to help queer and trans folks navigate Portland’s social, activist, and support networks.

Whether you’re looking for a trans support group, LGBTQ+ nightlife, sober queer meetups, or community organizing spaces, these sites make it easier than ever to find your people.

Trans Relocation Fund & Aid Network in Portland, Oregon

🏳️‍⚧️ Trans Relocation Aid: Helping Trans People Find Safety 🏳️‍⚧️

Trans people across the U.S. are being forced to relocate due to anti-trans laws, housing discrimination, and economic instability—but moving isn’t easy. The Trans Relocation Fund & Aid Network (PDX TRAIN) is a community-driven mutual aid initiative helping trans folks find safety in Portland through travel assistance, safe housing connections, and emergency resources.

Why trans people are migrating, the barriers they face, and how mutual aid is stepping in to help. Learn how PDX TRAIN partners with organizations like Equi Center to provide essential support—and how you can donate, volunteer, and advocate to help trans people relocate safely.

👉 Read the full article to learn how you can support trans relocation efforts! 🚆💖

Transgender Facebook Groups
National Trans Facebook Groups: Transgender Education & Discussion (54k+)Trans, Nonbinary & Genderqueer Network (13k+)Trans People and the Allies Who Support Them (11k+)Trans Support (ftm) (9k+)Trans Community Support (7k+)Transgender in Texas (2k+)Trans & Nonbinary Help and Support (9k+)International Transgender Health (8k+)The Facebook Transgender Alliance (26k+)AFAB Trans and Non-Binary Support Group (18k)FTM...
Queer Exchange Groups | LGBTQIA2+ Facebook Directory
Since 2011 Queer Exchange's have existed on Facebook for LGBTQIA2+ communities all around the world. The first was Queer Exchange: NYC, a regional marketplace group, which today has over 34k members.These groups sprouted up across the nation and have become pivotal structures in...
Queer Exchange History
Valuable, safe, digital queer spaces — trapped on Facebook.
Knot Your Abuela, Maui Rothchild (she/her) - Austin, TX
Handmade with love. I've been crocheting for 7 years and love the idea of creating a colorful and inclusive environment for buyers to explore and expand their ideas of what crochet (fashion) is.
Shock Factor Matter Glass, Hank Opal Jove (they/them) - Austin, TX
Hank Opal Jove (they/them) is a queer artist, poet, and performer currently living in Austin, Texas. They create stained glass sculptures, adornments, and lamps that depict the indispensability of awareness and are made specifically for those searching for their own...
Leif J. Lee (they/them) - Portland, OR
The queer future looks like a place where BIPOC trans and gender non-conforming people are protected and thriving. Queer elders are honored and celebrated. Queer histories are known and their stories are told. The AIDS crisis has ended and those who lost their lives are memorialized. Queer and trans youth are valued and supported with life affirming health care.
Rise Together
We're helping our communities build a future economy where marginalized business owners and creative entrepreneurs thrive. Unlike other marketplaces we prioritize inclusivity and accessibility in all that we do. On Queer Exchange and Rise Market - creatives of color and...